COVID-19 Important Information for Employees 


If you are still active in the workplace please adhere to the following guidance:

  • Please obtain an essential worker badge from your manager that will demonstrate you have a need to be away from isolation at home.

  • Observe social distancing (the 2 meter rule) and practice good hygiene at all times.

  • Keep interactions with others to a minimum.

  • Report any ill health or COVID-19 symptoms for yourself, your immediate family or those you’ve had contact with.

  • You should wear a mask at all times around others and when moving through common areas

  • The usual health, safety and welfare support and advice network is available


We have developed a simple checklist to assist : WFH Checklist

This is designed to allow you to highlight any concerns you might have whilst working from home. It looks at a variety of issues that may be present in your current working environment and will assist us in finding possible solutions to help you as we all adapt to the COVID-19 restrictions. Please provide as much information as you feel appropriate.

Helpful Hints

  • As many of us are having to adjust to working from home suddenly, with little preparation, the following are some tips to prevent discomfort.

  • If you have a home office take time to adjust the level of the screen so that the top is at eye level. Adjust your chair so your elbows are keyboard height, forearms are level and your back is supported

  • When you are working from a dining table be creative to achieve a well supported and good seated position. Use towels, cushions or pillows to get your seated height to a suitable level. Consider using a cushion as back support and an old book(s), file or box as a footrest is needed

  • When using a laptop, find a way to raise it to avoid slouching/bending forward. Only non-combustible items should be used directly under the laptop – a tin, plastic box or books would do the job

  • Try to move every 15 minutes, especially if your posture is compromised

  • Perform simple exercises or stretches

  • Plan your day and if any tasks do not require you to be using your device, move away. Tasks like conference calls, reading documents, thinking and making notes could be done on a sofa or easy chair

  • Be flexible and adapt! We are all used to staying in one place during the day, now is an opportunity to change our habits when we can

Confidentiality and GDPR considerations

  • Ensure your active screen is not visible to others in your household

  • Keep any work related documents out of sight of others in your household

  • Dispose of business paperwork by using a shredder or tearing into small pieces so that the content is not readable by others

  • Take phone calls in a place of privacy where you cannot be overheard

  • Store work materials and documents securely at all times especially during OUT OF OFFICE hours

  • Please keep company information and documents separate from your personal resources. There is a risk that company (personal) data might be held away from the control of the business when homeworking ceases.